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07 August 2019
Wiltshire Police say they found a "large" amount of counterfeit items when they went to an address on Devizes Road for a completely separate matter.
12 June 2019
As well as the weapons, a quantity of Class B drugs, counterfeit clothing and DVDs, approximately £13,000 in cash, phones, tablets, documentation, over 7000 illicit cigarettes and a quantity of hand-rolling tobacco were also seized.
11 June 2019
Annual professional development event: 10-12 June 2019, Brighton
06 June 2019
This represents €192 per citizen per annum, according to the report.
05 June 2019
The first haul was made on April 18, with 892 items recovered, including shoes and clothing branded Gucci, Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton and Nike.
04 June 2019
The impact of counterfeiting and piracy is predicted to drain cash from the global economy and put jobs at risk.
09 May 2019
Officers seized the goods after raiding an industrial unit on Burgh Road, Skegness and Fantasy Island, Skegness.
08 May 2019
More than 40 experts from enforcement, government agencies and brands attended ACG's workshop...
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ACG represents more than 3,000 brands affected by this influx of fakes into the UK and delivers an international network of information, advice and contacts on all aspects of IP protection. Working with Government and law enforcement agencies since 1980, ACG is focused on providing an effective and sustained response to counterfeiting.
Membership with the ACG is the best way to work with government and enforcement bodies to protect your brand. Our Roadshows and training days help you reach out to police, trading standards and border force officers and tell them about your genuine products.